Information Asset Register
An information asset register (IAR) is a key requirement of the Data Protection Act 2018 (and of the GDPR) as it demonstrates that you understand the information and data that you have in your organisation and are managing it appropriately. It also provides the basis for DPIAs (data protection impact assessments) as you undertake business and technology changes.
Many organisations have created a static Excel spreadsheet with is now rapidly becoming out of date. Our solution delivers an out of the box IAR and reduces the effort in maintaining it, turning it into a strategic source of insight across your business. It can also be extended to support your information governance processes and technology landscape. And migrating your IAR is easy!

Comprehensive Register
The register has been designed with the results of extensive consulting activity providing built-in best practice.
You will have insights at your finger tips with charting showing sections of your data.
If our model does not quite fit we can tailor it to your needs as part of the setup configuration also tackling additional integrations to your in house systems.
Detailed Features
Information Assets
Information Asset Entries
Comprehensive dataset including process, application and organisational linkage, risk management & retention.
Organisation Structure
The full organisational structure is captured with links to assets.
Applications & Business Processes
Capture your applications and business processes, linking them to your organisation and your information assets.
Flexible Navigation
Traverse your data as you need as all aspects are related, drill down into each element to add further detail.
Integrates with O365 services such as Sharepoint, Email and run import/export to/from Excel.
Information Governance
Information Asset Owners
Capture and link Information Owners to organisation units and the assets that they manage.
Capture Asset Changes
Changes to Information Assets are notified to the asset owner by email.
Retention reminders
Get email reminders or Sharepoint list entries of Information Assets that need to be reviewed based on their retention policy.
Data Protection Impact Assessments
Save your DPIAs against elements within the system, whether that be by organisation or individual asset.
Risk Assessment
Extensive capture of information asset risks, risk scores and charting based upon risk assessment.
Move your static Excel spreadsheet to something of strategic value
We can migrate your existing IAR or help you build one directly in our system